Static Generation

Also known as Static Site Generation (SSG), this method creates pages at build-time instead of runtime. To pass data to pre-render the page at build-time, the page must export a function called getStaticProps.

// Next.js will call this function at build-time
export async function getStaticProps(context: any) {
  // passed to the page component as props
  return {
    props: {},
export default function Page(props: any) {
  // Render...

Using getStaticProps will result in rendering static HTML and JSON files that are cacheable on a CDN.

Use getStaticProps when:

  • All the data needed for page rendering is availabe at build-time (even if the data is fetched over the network)
  • The data is cacheable
  • The page must be pre-rendered for SEO
  • The page must load fast

Assuming these requirements can be met, static generation at build-time is the generally recommended method of pre-rendering for runtime performance because pages are automatically cacheable by a CDN.

Because getStaticProps runs on the server and is never bundled for the client, it can be used to run any other code that runs on the server. For example, it can query a database using the same /lib/database.ts adapter code that might also be getting used by app APIs (pages/api/*.ts) to serve requests at runtime.

import { Database } from "../../lib/database";
// Next.js will call this function at build-time
export async function getStaticProps(context: any) {
  const db = new Database();
  const mazeResources = await db.getMazeResources();
  return {
    props: { mazeResources },
export default function Page({ mazeResources }) {}

In other words, because the page is rendered at build-time with static data, it doesn't need to use fetch to make a dynamic GET request to a backend (hosted) app API.

Technically, Next.js generates both an HTML and a JSON file per page. The JSON file contains the build-time pre-computed data resulting from running getStaticProps.

getStaticProps is executed on every request in development mode (npm run dev).

Incremental Static Regeneration (ISR).

Next.js also supports updating static pages on a per-page basis after build-time using a method called Incremental Static Generation. To use ISR, a revalidate property needs be added to getStaticProps, as shown below.

// Next.js will call this function at build-time
export async function getStaticProps(context) {
  return {
    props: {}, // passed to the page component as props
    // Next.js will attempt to re-generate the page:
    // - When a request comes in
    // - At most once every 10 seconds
    revalidate: 10, // In seconds

There are more details regarding pre-rendering paths at build-time and server-rendering at runtime (on-demand) if a path doesn't exist using getStaticPaths. See the Next.js Incremental Static Regeneration (opens in a new tab) docs.