
Pages are React components exported from .tsx modules under the pages directory. Page routing is achieved using directories and file-naming conventions.

For example, the following page is accessible at /hello:


export default function Hello() {
  return <h1>Hello!</h1>;

Dynamic routes are supported using filenames with brackets.

For example, the following will match routes such as /users/1, /users/2, etc.:


import { useRouter } from "next/router";
export default function User() {
  const router = useRouter();
  const { userId } = router.query;
  return <p>User: {userId}</p>;

Page rendering

We'll go into the various page rendering strategies in depth, because these have implications for configuration on GCP.

By default, all pages are pre-rendered. Next.js performs automatic static optimization when it determines that a page is static by the absence of getServerSideProps and getInitialProps in the page.

Static optimization involves setting Cache-Control headers. When running locally, however, these headers are overwritten to prevent caching locally.

Being static does not mean a page is not interactive.

Check these Next.js docs (opens in a new tab) before going to production.

A significant benefit of pre-rendered pages is that they can be statically served by a content distribution network (CDN).

Using pre-rendered pages is how the HSA will demonstrate the benefits of Cloud CDN.

A page can opt out of pre-rendering by exporting a function called getInitialProps (discussed later).

Next.js supports the following:

  • Pre-rendering (default)
    • Static generation
      • Also called Static Site Generation (SSG)
      • Next.js includes a variant called Incremental Static Regeneration (ISR)
    • Server-Side Rendering (SSR)
  • Client-Side Rendering (CSR)
  • Static HTML export

A next.js app can have pages rendered using a different method from other pages; the rendering method is chosen at the page level, as described next.

An app that only uses CSR is called a single page application (SPA).

Static HTML Export

In addition to all the rendering methods supported on a per-page basis, Next.js is able to export an entire app to static HTML (opens in a new tab) ("Jamstack (opens in a new tab)"). Because an exported site can be served statically without a Node.js server, there are a number of Next.js features (include build-time features) that are not supported (opens in a new tab).